Can You Envision A Diligent Organization-Do You Want To?


A diligent organization starts with a vision. You have to be able to see it first, then plan it, then implement it.

Today we start with the vision.

Vision is the art of seeing things invisible

Johnathan Swift

The Vision of the Diligent Organization

Vision means “to see” but vision also means what you can’t see but can imagine. This type of vision is not defined by practical terms. It is not about saving x amount of dollars or making y number of sales; it is about using knowledge, wisdom and creativity to “see” a future that doesn’t currently exist.

The highest compliment we pay leaders is to call them visionary leaders or thinkers but it isn’t just about seeing the future.

Visionary leaders see what exists now and the path between what exists now and their vision. Our current, everyday technologies are a great example. The people that were visionaries didn’t just dream the Internet, the iPhone, the personal computer, they build them and equally impressive – they put those technologies into the hands of billions of people thereby transforming human culture.

Do you want to be a visionary leader? if so, consider transforming your organization into a diligent organization. To accomplish that vision, begin at the end. Define what a diligent organization looks like?

Today we start at the end and then go forward from there. The mission of the Diligence File is to help you map the journey that will take you to the end goal – a diligent organization.

This is What a Diligent Organization Looks Like


relating to integrity, mission ethics and diligence expectations are:

1. clearly articulated and communicated through all levels of the organization

2. systematized in processes and procedures

3. guideposts for 3rd party connections


The organization has a practical set of strategies such as the PAR Diligence Strategy -which transform principles into action. The organization:

1. implements strategy

2. has a mechanism for updating strategy

3. formulates and puts in place policies and procedures that flow from the strategy

Whether your organization looks like this

or this

The Diligence File Framework elements are the same



People on all levels and in all roles are:

1. expected to perform diligence and adhere to the organization’s principles

2. treated with respect and rewarded for diligence and diligent behavior

3. provided with ways to express issues and concerns without retaliation


The organization provides as appropriate to the industry and individual roles:

1. education and training

2. staffing and support levels

3. applicable technology and other resources for adhering to the principles and implementing the diligence strategy

Inspiration – To Be a Visionary Leader

To define the diligence vision for your organization, team or yourself, here are some thoughts. Feel free to use them as you define your own vision but remember that the vision is just the beginning. A diligent organization:

  • is transparent in defining its mission, values and ethics.
  • is one that understands the power of information, knowledge and critical thinking.
  • understands that the people in the organization and the people that “touch” your organization are part of diligence.
  • recognizes the importance of education, learning and sharing information and expertise.
  • is aware that both the spoken and unspoken cultures must be cultures of diligence.
  • knows how to be flexible and grow and innovate in line with its values, mission and ethics.