The Diligence Post

Culture & People

Are Your People Failing To Perform Great Diligence – Why?

Why aren't people performing great diligence? Identify the reason(s) to begin the process of improvement. Here are some common reasons people have trouble performing great diligence.


Can You Envision A Diligent Organization-Do You Want To?

A diligent organization starts with a vision. You have to be able to see it first, then plan it, then implement it.
Today we start with the vision.

Culture & People

Learn How To Use the CAR Components of Diligence

Diligence and the work of diligent people are core components for any organization that wants to be a diligent organization. But how do you define a culture of diligence and how do you assess and grow that culture? Today's post begins that exploration and gives you the CAR Components. A Diligence File tool that you can use to get you thinking and starting your diligence audit.


How to Have a Diligent Organization – The Diligence File Framework

A diligent organization needs a solid internal framework. A framework that allows the organization to grow and maintain diligence through changing cycles of business, compliance and technology.

Use the Diligence File Framework to build a resilient, flexible diligence structure.

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