The Diligence Post


For Great Diligence Throw Out these 5 Excuses

We aren't performing diligence because ...

There are so many excuses not to perform proper diligence but your organization has to get past them if they want to perform great diligence.

Today's post looks at 5 common excuses for not performing diligence and how to address these excuses so that you can move on and get a diligence advantage.


I Need Help! The Website Won’t Open

The website opened yesterday, last week or last month but now it won't open. All you get is a 404 error message. Maybe it does open but now there are sections that are missing or many broken links. What to do?

Consider trying one or all of these suggestions for dealing with websites that opened yesterday but won’t open today.


Don’t Let Language Get In the Way – Translate

When the information you want is in a language you don't speak, all is not lost.

Try using an online translator such as Google Translate. It's free and it's easy.


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