The Diligence Post


You Need to Know About Economic Sanctions

Economic sanctions are a required diligence topic for most individuals and organizations. Are you up to date on your understanding of economic sanctions? View Post


6 Ideas For Better Search Results

Searching the web is easy, getting relevant and organized results is not always easy. If you would like to improve your search results and save yourself time and frustration take a look at these 6 helpful hints for better search results. View Post


Explore Podcasts – A Wonderful Way to Listen and Learn

Podcasts are a great way to learn new information, stay current on topics that matter to you and hear commentary and opinions from experts.

Explore how to use podcasts for diligence and easy ways to find and access podcasts.View Post


It’s Time to Join the Diligence Revolution – Great Diligence for All!

Join the diligence revolution and take the journey to great diligence. Great diligence gives you a powerful business, compliance and legal advantage. Don't miss out. Get started today with these 5 core values of diligence.View Post

Culture & People

5 No Cost Diligence Resolutions For The New Year!

The New Year is approaching. Time to think about what you can do differently next year so that you increase your diligence success. Today the focus is on 5 resolutions that won't cost you anything but will help you and your team have the best diligence year ever!View Post


Is the Web Really Free?

We are used to thinking about the contents on the web as free, but is this really true? Learn why great diligence research requires an answer to this question.View Post


10 Diligence Thoughts for the New Year

I have some diligence thoughts for the New Year. Feel free to use them and may this next year be the best diligence year ever! View Post


Explore a Hidden Wealth of Diligence Content – Law Firm Websites

Law firm websites are a great source of global diligence content.

Explore how to find law firm sites on the web, locate useful content on the site and ideas for for how to use the content to advance your diligence project. View Post


It’s Content Judgement Time – Are you up to the task?

To transform content into knowledge use your judgement, experience and wisdom to perform a series of assessments. Today, I am showing you how I make content judgements during the RAS processes (Research - Analysis - Synthesis). View Post