The Diligence Post


Why Use A Checklist – Here Are 7 Important Reasons

Checklists are a valuable tool for performing diligence. Here are 7 important reasons to start using checklists.View Post


You Need to Know More about Geography – Take a Look Now

Geography is a point of diligence for many projects. While most people don't have an extensive background in geography and related topics, there is a wealth of online material relating to geography.

The Diligence File is opening its collection of resources and sharing some suggestions for where to start looking for useful materials for use in your diligence projects.View Post

Culture & PeopleSources

You Need To Bring Back Geography

Geography related content is important for business, compliance and mission diligence. But most people have never had a course in geography because most schools don't teach it anymore.

What to do? Read this post to understand why geography is important and how to improve geography diligence skills.View Post


How To Think Global but Go Local – Part 1 – Country

Diligence is associated with location. Today is a review of basic country information and the ways in which country affiliation is used for diligence.View Post

Culture & People

Are Your People Failing To Perform Great Diligence – Why?

Why aren't people performing great diligence? Identify the reason(s) to begin the process of improvement. Here are some common reasons people have trouble performing great diligence. View Post


Do You Have A Diligence Problem? How To Tell

Do your organization, your team, your co-workers have a diligence problem? That is the subject of this post. Identifying red and orange flags that signal diligence issues. View Post


Wondering How to Simplify Your Diligence Research?

Your diligence project may be complex and the issues complicated but you can simplify the process with these strategies. View Post


4 Important Reasons to Pay for Content on the Web

To Pay or Not to Pay - That is the question. With so many free sources on the web should you pay for online content ?

Today we will explore when it makes sense to pay for online content.View Post

Culture & People

Who Are The Best People for Great Diligence ?

The best people for great diligence are PICKIE people. PICKIE is an acronym for behaviors and traits that allow you to transform diligence from good to great. Learn more about how PICKIE people will transform your diligence. View Post